Online Interviews You Can Listen to 24/7
October 30th - November 13th

Dr. Clarice Fluitt
Dr. Fluitt is dedicated to motivating and igniting people in their daily walk with Jesus Christ and equipping the people of God for the work of the ministry. She communicates Biblical principles that promote spiritual growth and maturity. Multitudes have witnessed the spiritual gifts of I Corinthians 12 in operation as she ministers with signs, wonders and miracles manifesting the power of God.
Dr. Clarice Fluitt has established churches and mentoring schools both nationally and internationally, is an accomplished musician and poet, and much sought-after motivational speaker. Her ministry has since evolved into a dynamic marketplace influence with a worldwide vision. Founded in 1984, Dr. Fluitt is Founder and President of Clarice Fluitt Ministries.
You can reach out to Dr. Clarice through her website.